
Strings at the Abbey
The Vale Royal String Orchestra will hold their popular summer concert in the Great Hall at Vale Royal Abbey on Sunday 16th June at 7pm. Tickets on the door or from Andrew Ball.
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Remembrance Sunday Service
Come and join us at 9.30 am on 12 November as we remember those who gave their lives for our freedom.
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Christmas 2023
Come and Join Us This Christmas. Click below or look on the calendar to find out more. Everyone is welcome!
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All Souls' Service
During our All Souls' Service on Sunday 12th November at 6.30pm we will remember those who have died and especially those within our parish who have died during the last year.
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Advent Craft Workshop
Come and join in our Advent Craft Workshop for families with young children. Sunday 26th November 3-5pm in The Mews (St. Mary’s church hall).
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A Series of Online Talks
During October and November Chester Cathedral presents a series of talks exploring a Christian perspective on topical issues including AI, Sexuality, Abortion and Assisted Dying.
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Storytelling Service is Back!
Our Storytelling Services, which are held in the Mews and are perfect families with young children are back after the summer break. Come and join in!
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Photographers, Please Join In!
We are looking for contributions of colourful photos of Christmas or winter, by 15th October, for our next photographic exhibition which will be entitled "Colours of Christmas".
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Harvest Supper **Updated**
Due to popular demand, this year's harvest supper will now be held in the Whitegate School Hall and will start at the revised time of 7.30pm on 6th October.
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